Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A whole cantelope!

Last night after eating a bowl of homemade chili- Dad left for a scout meeting (he is the new Cub Scout Master), and Gracie and I went out side because it was down in the 90's. We sat out on the driveway in font of our garage and waved at all the people and cars driving by and between the two of us, we ate a whole cantelope. It was the most delicious one I have ever tasted. It was like someone had added some vanilla or other tropical juice/cream to it and we couldn't stop. Gracie really ate her half or more than half. And her belly was sticking out way past her diaper. Can you guess what surprise will be left for me in the morning? It was so good though!!

1 comment:

The Rigbys said...

How cute...I can just imagine her little tummy poking over her diaper!