Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gracie walking the Indie 500: 13 continuous laps ending with...

Luke says, "Feel free to replay the falls as many times as you would like. They are classic falls that get better every time you watch them." Seriously. And who wouldn't want to hear Luke scream like a girl some more. The one where Gracie is chasing Luke has a G rating as apposed ot PG like the others because I finally put a diaper on her. :) They are each about 3 minutes without replaying the falls so choose wisely!!

This one demonstrates some good walking and another classic fall.


Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

You go Gracie you are so fast! Now mommy and daddy better watch out here comes Gracie!!!

Grammy and Papa said...

Our little Gracie is on her way. There's no stopping her now that she's got her wheels. Luke you make your mother proud. I don't know who's funnier, you or Gracie. It's a little scary to think that Gracie will possibly grow up faster than Luke!!! Kisses to all--Mom