Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I love getting occasional reaffirmations of truth...

Heavenly Father is so real and he loves us. I already know this. I have known for sure since I was 14. I have been fortunate enough in my life to never doubt that there was a God. I have never really understood when people that I have chanced to meet in my life (some close friends like Stuart and Chris) that don't believe there is a God. Chris even believed there was a devil but no God. I felt bad for him and tried to help him understand what I know to be true. I don't know what would motivate you to get up every morning if you didn't know there was an eternal purpose to your life, where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going. I am so grateul that I have been given the gift of faith to get me through this life and help when others' faith is faltering. Luke and I cannot think of anything that could happen to us, even if one of us were to die or something really bad happen, that would make us blame God and deny our faith. That is not to say that it wouldn't be hard, but I know without a doubt that our Heavenly Father loves and cares for his children and we cannot see the purpose or timeline for events and challenges in life. The gospel and plan of happiness has been given to us to help us cope and hope for things better and teach us how to serve one another. To me, everything in life shouts evidence that there is Grand Design and Diety watching over us. It only makes sense that we are God's children and he cares for us and wants to bless us with everything he can. But he also has to let us learn on our own no matter how hard it is on us. It is easy to question when we have challenges in our life why we have to go through things but it is to prove something to ourselves and learn truths about ourselves or about life. It reminds me about a question I asked is in seminary once- "If God knows everything including what choices I will make and the consequences and how I will end up, then why doesn't he just judge us and put us where we belong right now instead of going through this life?" The answer is, "Well because we would be upset and not believe that our result is really what we deserve because we didn't have a chance to prove ourselves to... ourselves. We would always think that things might have gone differently had we been given the chance." I loved that answer because it makes sense for why we are here. And that God loves us enough to let us suffer through pain to learn for ourselves, and be satisfied and feel real joy (Gracie's middle name) when we choose the right. I am grateful that Jesus Christ is our Savior and provided a way to come back home after proving ourselves.
Oh man, I am getting off on my testimony of the truth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I was just going to get on and tell you how I love to get occasional reaffirmations of the truth. (But since I just bore my soul and it is typed now I will just leave it.)
I have been so worried about my wedding ring that has been missing for about a week now. I started getting really worried about it on Sunday and I have been looking all over and trying not to think about it at the same time. Today I woke up and searched a little and kept telling myself I need to pray. Like when I was a kid and would lose something and would always find it shortly thereafter. Well the morning got away from with the thought constantly nagging, just stop and pray to find it and you will. So finally I put Gracie down for a nap, and walked out and knelt down on the floor right there. I was frustrated with myself because I should have just done this earlier because I know he will help me find it. Well I started thanking Heavenly Father for my blessings and how he always helps me through things and then I told him my problem. I told him where I had looked already and that I knew he could help me find it. Then I said, "The only places left to look are..." I paused and all the sudden a disconnected thought came to my mind "beach bag front pocket" but then I kept thinking more and said, "so I could look in my beach bag and my purse and if they are not there I don't know where to look. I need your help." And I closed the prayer. Then being silly me I still looked in my drawer again and my medicine cabinet till I finally was like, "What are you doing Hollie? Duh, the beach bag was the first place you were told to look." So I ran downstairs found the beach bag, and sure enough, my wedding ring was inside the front pocket. I have NEVER received such an IMMEDIATE answer to my prayers. The answer was given to me right in the middle of the prayer. So crazy and awesome! I love my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful to find my ring. SO QUICKLY I can't believe it. Here's my ring and this is where it is going to stay. I am so giddy right now I wish I could bottle it up and save the extra for another time when I need it. I better watch out or I will hurt myself.


The Rigbys said...

That is so great! Thanks for your testimony! I have had my prayers answered like that before and it is wonderful.

April said...

I'm so glad that you found your ring! I've had experiences like that. It's amazing how our prayers are answered.

Ellis said...

Isn't it amazing how the Lord hears and answers us despite our slow, stubborn nature? I've had a couple of experience like this and yet at times I'm still slow to act or obey. I'm am grateful for His patience with all of us.