Sunday, July 19, 2009

I definitely don't want to but...

It has been brought to my attention by some sweet someones how some things I write and post could hurt us if they got in the wrong hands. So just to get rid of the minute chance that something could go wrong, or my child was endangered, or I could get arrested, I am sadly going to make this blog private. I have resisted for a while because I didn't like it when others went private and it is such a hassle to have to log in to see a blog and not know when it is updated. I am always too optimistic about the goodness of humanity. But I do want the freedom of saying anything I want and posting anything I want because this is like a journal for our family. So for my family and the people I care about's security, please comment with your email address if you wan to have permission to read this blog. Also let me know YES/NO if you want an automatic email notice that "Hukenlollie" has been updated. That is the only way I can see around the inconvenience of going private. So sorry guys! You can give me a swift kick in the kiester when you see me next. Understand?


Mary said...

I definitely want to be able to read your blog. These blogs are the best invention to help keep families in the know of what is going on with each other. So fun to have the connection. We love you and your family Please have an email sent so that I will know when to check it. My email address is Love, Aunt Mary

Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

I want an invite!! I don't need an email since I am on it very often. email me at Also I am curious if you could send you bro Robert and his wife Heidi a quick email telling them I would love to be invited to there's if they are okay with it could you drop them my email Thanks!!!

Life of an Org said...

Yes I want to keep reading!!

Shane and Amy Jo said...

Yes please, yes please, YES PlEAsE!!!
I love reading your updates. You crack me up.

The Rigbys said...

Of course I want to read your blog! I will email you my address! I also want to receive emails when you update it.

Mandy said...

I absolutely love reading your blog and being able to keep updated with you and your family. My email address is and yes i would like an email when you have updated it. Thanks Hollie, I miss you tons!

Melissa B said...

I want to keep reading!! Here's my email:

nicole said...

heeyy! i wanna keep reading, and i want an email too please when you update!

Unknown said...

count us in--

I have a feeling I'm going to be doing this soon. We'll talk and you can convince me, deal?

Unknown said...

oh, and I'll take the email update too.

The Wilker Family said...

We want an invite too! My email address is, Steve uses my account to look at people's blogs. Thanks!

Robert, Heidi, Tyson, Kaleb, Travis and Charity said...

We would love to read your blog. Let us know when it is updated.

angie & ty said...

yes my mom and I would love to be able to read ur blog still. my email is and my moms is

Boren Family said...

I would love to read read blog! You make me laugh more than not :)

April said...

Yes, I want to keep reading!!! I just sent you an e-mail about it. I had a private blog for a long time, and it was a big hassle. Almost no one read my blog because of it. I went public and I'm just very careful about putting personal info on there or other things that could cause problems.

The Mickelsens said...

I want to read your blog!
I don't need an email because I check blogs everyday during James nap...even though I could probably be doing better things with my time.

Sarah and Jesse said...

I would love to be able to read your blog!!

Sarah Owen

Ellis said...

yes please! can't get enough of little gracie!

Jeff & Erin said...

Hollie- I just found your blog and would love to be able to keep reading!

here is my email: