Friday, November 23, 2012

While Gracie is away, Mom and Katie will play!

We  like our alone time and for the first little while we didn't know what to do with ourselves while Gracie was at school. Kate and I like to sneak chocolate when no one else knows. It's our thing. It's still hard to get her to eat some things, but if we promise a treat as a reward for eating good then she will do it. And the bug? Well we started doing preschool/babysitting my friend's little girl who is Katie's age, Skye, twice/week. They have fun playing and learning together but sometimes, as with all 2 yr olds, they fight. I have to intervene all the time! Our favorite thing to do is go to the park and swing and then go see the fishies in the pond nearby. All the while I try to teach them early concepts and preschool songs. It's been pretty fun to earn a little extra money too. Oh and the bug... I found this sicko on my towel at the pool one day, flicked it off, or so I thought. He hitched a ride home and crawled onto my bathroom wall. Thought I got him again. Next day, during preschool, I scared the kids when I screamed while cleaning up the kitchen and he was crawling on my counter once again. I had to trap him in the pot, but no matter amount of smashing outside would kill him. Finally twisting and stomping in the grass got the bugger. It was a preschool highlight!

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