Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally a Family Photo or two...

Our friend Cassidy is an awesome photographer. The thing I really like about her is that she is not afraid to snap tons of pictures while your kid is moving and being fussy because their just might be those good shots in between all of those which you miss otherwise. Just delete the garbage ones afterwards.
All the free shots I have taken at "Picture People" every month do not compare to these in any way. The workers there just always look at me and say "She's not smiling..." or "Can you get her to sit like this and smile?" and I look right back as if to say "Yeah right, are you kidding me?" and still do it for them anyway which leads to more crying and no awesome pictures.

Cassidy is awesome. I think the whole time she was with us, she was walking/running backwards because Gracie wouldn't be still and then she would body slam the ground quickly to get that "Just right" picture of Gracie. She also named her pictures so the cute labels are from Cassidy.
This one won the contest for "OUR FAMILY" picture of 2009. I love it!
Praying up close: ( I think this would be so cute with a sign that says "Pray Always" or something like that...)
My Daddy and Me:
Gracie Joy: I love her, dirt and all!
Senior Portrait: (I had Cassidy crop this to be like this because I wanted to tease Luke with it. Doesn't he look like a High School Senior? This is the exact same pose and smile of his Senior Pictures. Ha ha! I love you Luke!)
Lead Me: (This one wins the "1 Year Old" pic Contest!) I can't stop smiling when I see it.
Kissy Kissy: She made us do this I promise!
Gracie didn't know what to think of the horse.
I Am Loved:
Holding Hands:
Hold On:
Hold Me Tight:
Hello People:
Guide Me: (I love this one too. Actually this one might win first place for pic of Gracie over the other one. I can't decide. What do you think?)
Grass Makes Me Cry: (Yeah Gracie didn't like the grass too much but I think she wasn't crying in this one. Just running. Look at Luke's face. I love it. And Gracie is just saying- "Don't distract me Dad! I am getting out of here.")
Back It Up:

Who Farted?: (What a good title! We can't really remember what we were really laughing about. So with Gracie's hand like this, who farted is perfect! LUKE DID IT. Look at his face.)THE END:
Thanks again Cassidy... You were awesome. We recommend her to anyone. We absolutely love all of our pics. And it was a fun night. In N Out Burger Included!


Sarah and Trent said...

These are SO cute!! What an adorable family you have. I'm feeling ok...but I've been better :-)

April said...

I didn't know that Cassidy was a photographer! Those pictures are great.

nicole said...

awwww cute pictures!!
and i cannot believe picture people treats you like that!! that's horrible. no wonder you like cassidy better =D
well, i like cassidy better too =p
picture people never treat us that way though. of course we always request sonya.. she is WONDERFUL with carter. ALWAYS makes him smile, even if he's crying. she gets the BEST shots!

Karl, Meg, and kids said...

