Saturday, November 12, 2011

My 1st Birthday!

Yep it's me Katie. Finally! Mom said now that I am one, I can actually take a turn on the blog. I wanted to tell you about my birthday. Mom dressed me in this froo froo birthday dress that made it hard to walk because I am smaller than Gracie was, apparently! But I liked my pigtails. I opened Grandma and Grandpa's gift first which was an awesome Barbie set so I can play Barbies with my best friend Gracie. She always says I am her best friend so I think that means that she is my best friend too. She put on her party/dancing skirt too. Then I opened this cool microphone that Gracie gave me. Mom made me a tutu skirt to go with my Halloween costume. Dad gave me some weird containers that won't let snacks fall out. They ARE actually kind of cool. And then my neighbors Jean (Tutu), Bob, Gabe, and Lily came too and gave me some money. Mom said she is going to use the money to get my ears pierced. Do you think that is a good idea? Papa came with his friend Michelle and gave me this stinkin' cute princess fuzzy coat. It was fun to have them there too and I liked sitting on his lap. Not usually, but this time I did.
After presents, all the kids helped blow out my one candle on the chocolate cupcakes mom made. She said she couldn't understand why we all went to cake mixes because she made these from scratch and they tasted better and only had like 5 ingredients. The frosting was super super chocolatey and the inside cream cheese and chocolate chips surprise was the best. As you can see I didn't waste any time getting down to business with them. Mom took my dress off so I could finish eating the cupcake without getting it dirty. She is good like that. Then we had a little dance party where I showed everyone how to dance to "Jump on It." I love music. Then Dad had a balloon fight with the big kids, Mom showed them how to stick balloons to the wall, and I sat on Tutu's lap.
Everyone went home and mom decided I had to take pictures in my rocking chair. It always makes her crazy when I stand in it! She put that froo froo dress back on and I pleased her for a little while. But then I decided to flip the cranky switch. They had to work on me quick.
(Hey on a side note, if you ever thought Gracie didn't looked like Luke, take a look at this picture and tell me that!) Hey I said no more pictures. It is my birthday and I should get what I want.
I want this dress off. And I want mom to feed me.
And I want to go to bed. It's my birthday, so let me go! Gracie, I forgive you for taking this picture. It is a good one though of dad and mom both working on that silly froo froo dress!Ahhh... Milk! Happy Birthday to me!
And what a good birthday. (Thanks for letting me post mom. I love you.)

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