Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Snow Day of the Season

On Friday after work, Gracie and I made these snowmen. She told me who each one was, picked out all the colors, and rolled the balls. She put the eyes on and poked the middles of them with a pen, and then wanted one to have pointy scary teeth. She put them all in a circle first and told me and dad that they were doing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes."

Then I lined them up for a picture and Gracie told me I had to move her and Katie to stand by mom and dad because they were scared to stand by the snowman with scary teeth. I had so much fun but I was wishing we could do it with real snow.
And then today I got my wish. It snowed last night and there was just enough snow on the ground that we could go sledding before it melted. We had a blast!

This little hill is in the park right by our house. It is the perfect size for newbies!

This was Kate's first time in the snow and she loved it! She mostly wanted to walk until she got cold. Is this the second photo of Gracie eating snow?

Sorry I can't get enough of Katie's smile. She was so happy, but her fever came back again today. I hope she feels better tomorrow... Although I have kind of liked her 'mellowness.'

Our friends Gabe and Lily and Maddy helped us make a 'real' snowman named "Teddy." Then Dad had an all out snowball fight against the kids while Katie and I went inside to make hot chocolate.
I was stupid and didn't take the time to find appropriate snow boots for me and Kate so our feet got cold. And on top of that I didn't even wear socks inside my boots. (And to think I am teaching students with cognitive and language delays! I wouldn't even graduate from preschool if I couldn't dress "Weather Bear" for the day.) I do know how to make some Rich Hot Chocolate though! Mmm mmm.

Katie knows how to demolish 3 large marshmallows at once. Gracie knows how to burn her tongue. And Luke knows how to come down with a migraine after yelling so much in the snow.

The rest of the day, Luke and Katie napped. Gracie watched some TV and then took a nap, and I worked on my CEUs. (I have to have 30 hours of continuing education done before December to keep my license up to date. Let me tell you-- it has been a joy. NOT! Never say you never have to take a test again. You will.)

What a great day!


Ellis said...

How fun! I love their hats!

Sarah and Trent said...

Such cute, cute pictures! I love Katie's smile too and her hat is so cute. Merry Christmas!!!