Sunday, November 13, 2011

Katie's Blessing, documented 1 year later

We had to hurry up and bless Katie so that Luke's sister Hailey and Todd and kids could be here for it. They were coming for Thanksgiving so Katie was blessed before she was even a month old. Her dress was huge on her and she was so little but she still looked cute. I think my favorite part of her outfit was making her shoes.
Grammy and Papa were able to come, but then Grammy got nauseous right after the blessing and went home. I didn't get any pictures of our little brunch at our house afterwards, but we had a lot of family support there including Aunt Jennie and Susan, Aunt Paula and Uncle Lelini, Cousins Marci and Trevor and kids, and Uncle Robert and Heidi and kids, and Nancy and BJ. It was so kind of everyone to come and brave the roads in the beautiful snowstorm that morning. The rich hot chocolate, fresh fruit, Cinnaburst Great Harvest bread, and breakfast burritos were a hit. Hailey and Todd were so nice to come over the night before to help me roll burritos, wrap them in tinfoil, and label them ham, sausage, or plain. They made for an easy brunch because people could eat them as is without a plate or a table to eat at. I will definitely be doing this again. Sausage went the fastest! Luke did a great job on the blessing just like with Gracie. He is a beyond great dad and I feel so lucky to have him as my partner in child-raising crime! We were so exhausted that day and spent the whole day with family that we ended up taking photos as if it was the blessing day, the next week at the Barber's house. Call us crazy, but we were still very tired even that day. Hence poor pics (Luke's beard, my messy hair, Gracie's craziness, and poor lighting.) The only thing that was perfect was Katie. But that is life and we were happy nonetheless!

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