Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Can't forget Halloween!

We had a blast this Halloween.

Gracie and Katie got dressed up 4 times (Garner Village Witch Hunt, Macey's Trick or Treat with friends, Church Trunk-or-Treat, and Halloween Night) - which might have been a little over doing it. The girls faces in the picture at Gardner Village totally show how they felt about posing and wearing their costumes that day.

Gracie wanted to be a princess and I was totally cool with that cause it would be easy and we already had dresses (thank you dress ups and prom dress that I could still fit into). I made me a super full, flowy cloak with a hood out of some white scraps Lenna gave me from leftover table cloths she made. And I made Katie a shiny pink cloak with a fleece collar to match Gracie's velour/fur dress-up one. She had tons of fun putting on makeup and glitter and curling her hair. Funny, how she hasn't wanted to do it again though when I am pleading with her to curl her hair.

I made Luke's knight costume in seriously 30 minutes right before the trunk or treat. He would not cross-dress to be an ugly step sister with me (he thought it would be a bad example, I thought it would be hilarious) so we embraced royalty. And it was fun! I didn't get a chance to do my hair and makeup because I did our neighbor Gabe's skeleton face instead. He was awesome.

Luke and I dressed up differently for Halloween night which had the most beautiful weather. We wanted to go trick or treating but still hand out candy so Luke took our bucket around and handed it out to kids walking by us as the Joker. They were confused, haha!

Gracie loved trick or treating and always had to ask for another treat to put in Katie's bag. At one house, a lady was just getting home and carrying donuts. As she was unlocking her door, Gracie asked her for a donut. She got it! (Who does that sound like, Luke with no shame?) She had sticky hands the rest of the way home. Her favorite thing was getting the soda and trying to put it in her bag.

Grace and Kate had fun trying on my wig and I showed them how to sort and categorize their candy. Strange I know but that is my favorite part of "the candy." That was it for our Halloween! Now Gracie does jobs around the house to get a treat from her bag and I can sneak one whenever I want. Dangerous :). Quick story: Gracie was throwing a fit over not getting a treat on day and she wouldn't stop so I said I would throw away a piece of candy every time she asked me for one or whined and cried about it. I had to throw away 2 pieces of candy in a row before she stopped her tantrum. But it worked. No more fits since! What a great use for Halloween Candy.


Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

love the mommy-daughter photos!! priceless! and what a creeper luke is dressed as the joker!

Ellis said...

Love it! You guys look great and looks like you had a gun Halloween! Woot! Awesome that you fit into highschool prom dresses! All of mine are still in utah, but I don't know if they'd fit!