Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pokerface Dance in the Underpants!

I can't let the monumental feat of being potty trained go by unmentioned. Gracie was potty trained in February and was excited to wear underpants. We went to the store like Grammy suggested and let her pick out her very own Dora the Explorer Panties. It was a fun day. We also had a lot of fun dancing in our underpants a couple of times to celebrate pottying. This movie is one of them. I'll tell you what, this girl has some some skill.

Right after we filmed this, the unfilmed edited version of Pokerface (song she loves) was made. We changed the words from "can't read my, can't read my, can't read my pokerface" to "can't wet my, can't wet my, can't wet my underpants." Too bad we didn't get it on film. You try singing it that way.

We also sing a version of "I will follow him" on Sister Act changed to say instead of "I love him, I love him, I love him, and where he goes I'll follow" to "I went poo poo and pee pee, and poo poo and pee pee, in the potty, the potty..." That song is forever changed!

Way to go Gracie we are proud of you. Just like she says, "Mom I am proud of you." (I love it) It doesn't mean we haven't had any accidents though. Oh my goodness just ask me about when we have gone out of town or had late nights or long days. It is like asking for accidents. We are still doing diapers at night which are sometimes dry and sometimes wet. I am not sure when kids are supposed to be able to go through the night. Hmmm.


Ellis said...

You are both excellent singers! :) Gracie is SO cute! And I LOVE your new header!

Ellis said...

oh - Genevieve has been potty trained since October and still sleeps and travels (when we are in the car for 1+ hours) in a diaper. she has NEVER woken up dry, so I'm not pushing it. They are still little and I think it's normal. Go Gracie!!