Friday, April 10, 2009

Sometimes I hate blogger!

Okay I just have to vent because I am sick of blogger not letting me post what I want. I will spend this time just kind of zoning out and having a little time to myself to do this and then when I get all done, it tells me there is some kind of javascript hsxkjfllj jskljfja jjfjioepp[q er'04985j347593 ajklfjad error. And I am supposed to know what that means? I keep trying to change things like maybe something I copied from Word messed it up but nothing helps. And I really want to share chocolate recipes from the class I did tonight. MAN! I should have just gone to bed. :( Luke gave up on me and went to bed already when I was trying to figure it out. Going to join him... Goodnight.

1 comment:

The Rigbys said...

That's frustrating! You gotta love and hate technology at the same time.