Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here, there, and everywhere!

Katie just walks this thing all around the house! And outside for that matter. I love it!

The other day, we were having a picnic outside and K bumped into G's chair and tipped her over. G was so upset! I was a little glad that K could get G back for all the times she accidentally hurts K while playing. It will be interesting when K can walk/crawl. It won't be long. K already moves her feet to walk if I am helping her stand and she is the wrestle queen! Gracie would just roll immediately from her belly to her back and cry till I helped her sit up. So fun to see differences.

Our piece of Vegas turf works perfect to cover our dirt patch in our backyard. And as a golfing green! Gracie is getting her first golf lesson with plastic eggs. And I decided I love tulips - and they love you back because they come back every year with no work!

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