Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday's SURPRISE...

Surprise...We are moving... (I got Gracie to pose for the first time)
...NEXT WEEK!!!!
Aaaaah! We were up in UT for the weekend for Luke's best friend's wedding and my sister's baby being born and... on Monday night, (we stayed 1 extra day) Luke told me we needed to move to work with his dad on his new business. We had plans to move in August to our own place to be closer to them and help them out, but......we will be moving in with them since the money is not real great yet and then Grammy and Gracie and I can keep each other company while our husbands are going to work like dogs. I think we will move Thursday and then come back in 3 weeks after "Crunch Time" for the business is over and finish cleaning and moving out, and maybe take a little swim break too!

You can see we are all in shock here... (Gracie is not posed! My face will be like this too for a couple of weeks)
...but it will be good to be closer to family, Luke can work with his dad and maybe find something he likes to do better, and we will all be there for Grammy!

Sorry Vegas Friends if this leaves you in shock too. We will miss you terribly! :(

The timing makes sense, so we are doing it. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

April said...

We will miss you! Keep the blog updated so I know what's going on. Hugs!