Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What? I am actually posting again?

Well, yes in fact. It has not been because I haven't wanted to post. (Well in the beginning it was, because you don't really want to write and remember bad/hard times especially when you are going through them and you don't know how they will resolve- we have had some of those lately which I will try to sum up later - just for the reason that I won't pretend that we have this perfect marriage and we never have our ups and downs- which everyone does, and for the reason to learn from our experiences, hopefully to never repeat again, empathize with others, and be better for them.)

But for now I will share these pictures and play catch up later... (never let it go as long as I did, it is overwhelming to try to catch up). 

Gracie is starting to read. Katie turned 2. Luke is being a good man and taking care of us. And I have 2 months left. I'm 30 weeks. And in case you didn't know - it's a girl!!!  I hope to be back on here again soon. Happy Halloween!


Unknown said...

First of all, you are the CUTEST pregnant lady! And this is your third time around--you go girl! I can't believe you only have 2 short months before you have another family member to love one! Katie and Grace are getting so big. And reading?! So awesome! You are awesome Hollie. Everyone has struggles. Never compare your hard time to other people because everyone struggles differently and at different times. We all have to learn and grow. Sometimes we're the one needing help and support and other times we'll be the ones offering relief. Love you!! Happy Halloween! Wish we were eating dinner in a pumpkin and carmel apples together tomorrow night!!

Ellis said...

I agree - you're lovely! I think about you and your family almost daily. Your girls are beautiful and getting so big! Hope the next 2 months can give you a little peace before the baby comes. Love, thoughts, and prayers for you!

Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

it's a miracle!! i've missed you so much! and who is that little girl! katie is 2!?! she looks so grown up! you look super hot preggers! you can do it!! can't wait to see your next little angel! thanks for blogging!

Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

Yay I hope to hear from you more! Wow, you are close. How fun three girls! You girls have grown so much crazy!!! Love you Hollie, so good to see you are alive :)