Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New address and phone number for the New Year!

So I sent this letter to everyone in my inbox (meaning everyone who might need to get ahold of me through another means besides email)... but then I remembered there are people like that on here too so...

We have moved! Yes moved again! But hopefully not again for a looooong time. (Luke has promised me at least 3 years. Now that is not long for most people, but it is for us. :) I am excited to stay put for a while. We love it here so far. Greenwood is beautiful and warm-er right now. Humidity makes it bone-chilling cold. Everything is within a 5 minute drive or less. Okay church is 10 minutes but that is not bad considering it was a half hour when we lived in Pennsylvania. Luke literally drove to Lowe's to exchange something with 5 minutes till close and made it in time and back in 10 minutes. Crazy. The people are so friendly. Everyone wants to chat and talk about religion and what brought us here. They all say "what brought you 'here' from 'utah'???? Well we know it was God that brought us here for sure. Everything has been so smooth and fallen into place, not like some of our previous moves, since we heard of the job in SC.

Luke is actually excited to go to work of all things, but he can't yet because we are still waiting on the molasses slow licensing board of SC to get his license done. Good thing I still have my job right now. Another blessing. We really enjoyed our Christmas despite being on the road and feel so grateful to have so many family and friends that care for us and support us in all we do. We are sorry to move so far away, but we think it is best for Luke's career goals right now. And you gotta do what you gotta do. The ward and the Bishop said we are a direct answer to their prayers and 3 months of fasting for new, active people, especially priesthood holders, to move into their ward. We are so glad we could be available to help and can't wait to get started in the mission field. We have already talked with and shared testimony with a guy in OfficeMax believe it or not and he said we made a good impression on him. hmmm. maybe we will see him again.

Luke did an awesome job finding us a place to live when he flew out here for an interview with super slim pickings on rentals and not very much time. We love our town home though and it is the most space we have had ever. And who can complain when you have your own garage, driveway, and mailbox. And our backyard actually has grass.

The girls are charmers everywhere we go which is super fun. The only downside is we can't do anything quickly because everyone wants to stop and chat with them. I can't blame them until they get an earful from our 3 year old Gracie who is talking as fast as she can about her sister Katie and how she is the best big sister to her. I guess I will just have to plan for a few friendly interruptions in our agenda. That is more important anyway!

We are starting this year off right and we hope you are too. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you from South Carolina. And here is our address and phone, in case that is all you really wanted and not all the blah blah blah.

Much love from the Barbers,

tell me if you want it and I will email it to you :)


Kristen. Jason. Sofie said...

i am so happy you are settled! i've been thinking about you all day, i should have called. sorry. i can't wait to see photos of your new place and all the adventures you will be having in sc! i made pizza tonight and while snacking on the pepperonis thought of grace :) email me your info!! love you guys!

Ellis said...

SO happy for you guys! I hope 2012 is wonderful for you all! Good luck settling in. We live an hour south of Terre Haute (but that is where we lived when we first moved to Indiana) and an hour north of the KY border. It would have been fun to see you! Thanks for thinking of us! Thinking of you!

Brandon,J'lene, Kamiah,Braelyn, Chelsea, Aussie said...

You are amazing. You are one strong women to be able to endure all the trials. I wish you the best! I would love your info. my email is

I am really bummed we never got to see each other. It made me sad when I read your blog that you were moving. Best of Luck!!