Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's been over a month... Moving Part 1

Wow! The last time I posted was over a month ago. Christmas definitely is a busier time, but then you try to move in there too and you can forget blogging. Sorry it is has been so long. I will try to fill you in on everything that has happened. It will be very long but very eventful and even sometimes funny. Glad that our misfortunes can bring you a laugh. Just kidding. I know all of you wish the best for us and even some of you have been there through many steps of the way to help us. So I will just start this off with saying a big thank you to all of you who have helped us either in person, or on the phone with emotional support and good advice etc. or with laughing about the current dilemma because that always helps to lighten our troubles too. And I must say thank you to Heavenly Father who has been watching over us through it all, as noted by many little blessings along the way, you will see. Other than that though, it really feels like the move from Hell. I know it could have been much much worse and for that I am very grateful to Heavenly Father again for keeping us safe from harm and allowing Luke and I to really pull together through it all and not blame each other for stuff or break apart through all the stress. Lenna, my mother-in-law, said that new jobs, building a house, and moving are the 3 major events that can really cause stress on a marriage. And let's see, we are doing two of those right now: new job and moving across country with a baby. Aaaaah! Last thank you goes to Luke who has been a great husband through it all and very patient with all things considered. I love you! So here goes the start of the story of our move from FL to Las Vegas, NV. Are you ready?

So this is how we moved to Florida 1.5 years ago: We just loaded up whatever we could fit in our two Camry's and drove out to PCBeach, not knowing what the place was like or where we would live, etc...

But now with a baby that comes with a lot more stuff, and a start date for Luke's new job on Jan 5, and moving to a bigger, shadier city of Las Vegas, we felt we had to have a little bit better idea where we were going to live and how we were going to get there over the holidays. We really did our homework. Luke researched where to live and I researched every possible way to move. Luke, with the help of a sister of a friend (Patricia and Anyolina) in Vegas, picked out a place to live. I went through all the moving options: ABF (you pack/they drive), Uhaul, Budget, and full service moving companies. It turned out to my surprise that a full service moving company was cheaper than all of them. So we booked our move with Infinity Van Lines moving co. And we planned to drive our 2 separate cars and hope Gracie would do well by herself in the back.

But then a couple of weeks later, I came across the price of renting a little 5x8 ft U-haul trailer for 9 days for $202. WOW! That was a steal. So we played with the idea of trading our car for a cheap truck or SUV to pull it but didn't like the idea of driving across country with an unknown car. So then we decided to pay the money to get a hitch put on my Camry that has a V6 engine. They said it could pull the trailer easily. So we got the hitch put on for more than the trailer would cost and decided to move ourselves in 2 cars still. Then we sold our furniture so we could make it all fit! We planned to have Christmas with my brother Karl and his wife Megan and their kids in Kentucky. Following that we would drive to Utah for New Years to be with Luke's family and then down to Vegas before starting work on the 5th of January.

So we packed up the Uhaul and cleaned up our house to get it ready to rent and headed on our way out of town to Kentucky at about 7 PM, a couple of days before Christmas. We were going to meet Karl and Megan in Nashville for 1 night and play around and then go up to their house the next day.
Well things did not go as planned...

To be continued!


JO said...

sounds a little crazy, I hate moving, but Vegas sounds like a neat adventure. How long do you plan on living in Vegas for? I'm guessing you wanted to be closer to family? Sounds warm and sunny to me :)

The Rigbys said...

I'm sorry you had a rough time, and I wasn't around to help you. I'm glad you are safely in Las Vegas. When will you be in Logan?

Ellis said...

Moving with a baby is so fun, right? I hope Gracie did alright... I was surprised at how well Genevieve did. Can't wait to hear more about your move... sounds exciting! :) Glad you made it and are back to blogging. And I love the 5 month photo of Gracie on the side - she gets cuter and cuter! And is looking more like you, I think!

Jolene said...

Wow what a saga...Heather and Ryan just moved to Atlanta Georgia...Tyrel says hi and now he wants to make a trip to Vegas so do we. Love the picture with luke and his beautiful daughter. Good Luck in Vegas. Mom Holverson

Karl, Meg, and kids said...

I forgot everything that we talked about, but here's a couple of things that I use to help me get through.

Don't let it eat your lunch.

Never make a decision based on fear.

Empathy is a source of power. Unfortunately you have to acquire it somehow!

Moroni 7:45 mentions patience as a component of charity several ways, and in several different forms.

The choice to engage emotionally is exactly that, a choice.

No one ever does anything because of you. They do it because of themselves. (This doesn't mean you can't help them, but it does mean that many of the things we blame ourselves for really have very little to do with us.)

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

Thanks for your sympathy guys. That is not really what I did it for. It actually has been quite therapeutic- I started writing it in the car and now transferred it to my blog. It is crazy to see the problems but even crazier to see how they are always followed by a blessing. We are definitely counting our blessings. As soon as we get our stuff, we want to welcome you all to our new home. We love it so far, but do miss the green of Florida. Thanks Karl for writing it down for me!