Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Greenwood, SC: 4 months of life

Developing a sense of style
Growing Pains
How we feel about it...
Katie always being squished
Luke gave me the World
Chocolate Lifeline
101 Hutira Lane - not a place for kids
Anyone welcome - no cockroaches
Did it ever look like this?
Cheerful, bright, unfinished!
Finally used my vinyl wall art just to leave it there.
Girls + Balloons = Screaming but happy
Needs work
Master awesome bath
One of my favorite places
The kids favorite too.
The funniest place
Master Closet = Katie's Naptime, Mom's Worktime
Little Backyard we did mow it once.
So much fun to decorate
Layout from front door
Can't forget I got Black Beauty for $100 delivered, not $4500 like I should have paid
Happy Bath
Luke made the shelves, cluttered we know
No need to fear my to do list getting erased in the move
We loved the garage
My old way to decorate, YUCK
TV in loft, not front room :), gotta love my barbie house, yes "my"
Girls' humongous room upstairs
I just got everything hung up
A closet to sleep in
And store all your baby stuff
And have a dressup corner
Katie loved my surprisingly cohesive picture gallery
My favorite place, I cooked some good food too
I like my curtains

Now put it all in boxes as fast as you can and pay to take it with you
Couldn't we just not have stuff?
Girls went to the park with Kay, ice cream after
The 4 elders were our family, Abanqua, Chapman, Cahoun, Lavulo
Growing pains that are too cute
Trip to Abbeville, where the South Seceded from the Union
Best hotdogs in the world, my eye, looked like Luke's diner in Gilmore Girls which was cool
Pollen on everything
We were all sick with allergies
Manley Family, our friends along with the Taylors, Wests, Whites
Goodbye Greenwood! We will miss just a handful of things. We loved your free childcare at the YMCA so we could play racquetball. Sorry we stayed such a short time.

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