Friday, October 7, 2011

Fixed a zipper today...

...yep, I didn't think I could do it so I am feeling pretty good about myself. I told my neighbor "no" about a month ago when she asked me if I could fix a zipper. Then she asked on our ward facebook page yesterday and the suggestion was to ask me. So I gave it some more thought and googled it, "Zipper off one side of its track." Out of all the methods suggested to fix it, I thought I could figure it out. So as I babysit her daughter today, I fixed her favorite jeans!! Last time we were together we fixed a whole in her daughter's favorite shirt by making an applique to match and sew over top. I have her baby's vest zipper to fix next (zipper slider missing). And in return, she is going to cut me a vinyl monogram for my new toy box I mentioned earlier. I love sewing and salvaging/renewing/upcycling stuff. I do believe I have said that before (ha ha). And bartering on top of that is a win win for everybody! Thanks for teaching me how to sew mom!!

and in other news...

... Katie is obsessed, and I mean OBSESSED, with putting everything on her head and waiting for you to say something. It is so funny, I will have to get snap some pictures of her doing it. Today she put the chip bag (full of small chip crumbs) on her head upside down!!! Crumbs in her shirt, crumbs in her pants, crumbs in her socks, and crumbs in her diaper. Ugha...Why is there a "b" in crumb and thumb? Hey and don't throw away your stuff with broken zippers, I can fix them!!

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