Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Katie is 9 months and just about walking!!

Katie is a dear little stubborn girl. She knows and sticks to what she wants but then she can be sweet too. I have been a little/ okay a lot/ frustrated with Katie at times because she is so fussy and whiny and stubborn. I have even vented about her to my to others 3 times. Luke and I haven't been able to figure out why she cries so hard and so long sometimes when Gracie never did. In the beginning I thought Katie was easier than Gracie but lately I have been switching my tune to "Wow, Gracie was never like that." I have hated feeling like this about Katie so I decided to make some changes. BIGGEST CHANGE: RESPECT NAPTIME. I always did with Gracie and I haven't been with Kate. It is paying off bigtime. We haven't been able to go anywhere, BUT Kate is MUCH HAPPIER and SO AM I. Kate's first ponytail! I love it that she has hair this early.
Kate's new face she gives us a lot. Especially while eating.
But then again, she gives us this face a lot too. And it is always out of the blue, to random people, and it always makes you laugh and scrunch up your nose too.
Had to get a picture in her ruffly sun outfit.
And she pulls herself up on anything and everything and then starts a walkin'. She is even brave enough to go "no hands" between small spaces now. I don't know why my kids are bent on walking so early. At least Katie is doing a sort of gorilla crawl like our friend James did, keeping one foot tucked up under her. Gracie never crawled until like 15 months and it was backward. Katie is a ton happier now that she can get around to pull up on things.
Katie is not even interested in food. Which means all she wants is my milk which can really try my patience sometimes. If food is even mushy or smooth or slimy at all, she doesn't want it. Once in a while if it is something she can hold, she will eat it. She LOVES corn on the cob! She can even get the kernels off without teeth! She also LOVES graham crackers and DRINKING from a cup. The other day we had some luck with oatmeal so we will see. Maybe she can eat that right before bedtime and she will sleep longer. She sleeps until about 5 or 6 am and then you would think her bellybutton was rubbing against her backbone. Then she usually goes back to bed.

She is a sweet girl and is incredibly patient with Gracie who I think does a really good job being nice to her sister. Gracie gets her toys when she is crying and usually substitutes a toy for the one she rips out of her hands. :) Katie is incredibly patient with lingering lip kisses and tight hugs. I am so glad Gracie is not mean to her.

Katie is much snugglier and cuddlier than Gracie was. Luke and I really enjoy that. Luke and Katie's matching hair color cut and style are pretty cute.

And to echo what was said in my friend Kara's blog. It's true! Why do we want our kids back awake as soon as we put them to bed?


Ellis said...

Isn't it amazing how fussy/whiny kids can be so physically, mentally, and emotionally draining? It's tough being stuck at home sometimes with nap schedules and such, but I agree that it totally makes a difference. Does Gracie still nap? Good luck! Glad to see you back on the blog -- I was just about to send you a message telling you I missed reading about you and your family!

I think I remember you saying you mailed us something --- if you didn't, I'm not pressuring you to do so :) But if you did, I just wanted to let you know it never made it here. Did it get sent back to you?

April said...

Respecting naptime makes a huge difference in the happiness of children!

None of my girls were the kind of children that would nap in the car, church, etc. They had to be in their beds. If they didn't get their required nap or naps on any given day, they were out-of-sorts and cranky all day long. Sundays were always the worst because it seems that our ward was always meeting during naptime.

Amelia still needs a nap on some days, and I try to make sure she gets it or I put her to bed earlier than usual.